What Leadership Activities Can I Develop On My Own During High School?

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Activities to put on a student’s resume

Join us as we discuss potential activities that may help students get accepted into the college of their choice.

In the last year, colleges have shifted admissions standards at a rapid pace. As the adoption of test-optional or test blind policies becomes more prevalent, admissions officers are losing a traditionally important piece of student data to make their decisions. Additionally, with the Coronavirus bringing an unforeseen turn of events, high school students should be encouraged to think outside of the box if they want to impress college admission officers with their extracurricular and co-curricular activities. Luckily, opportunities await for those students who choose to take initiative and show their leadership through unique passion projects. Join us as we discuss potential activities that may help students get accepted into their college of choice.

Leadership Initiative Project

It is important for us to note that a passion project can be started by any student at any time.  One soft skill students should have a firm grasp of is leadership. Honing one’s leadership skills before college can help a student find confidence as they prepare to enter higher education. Our Leadership Initiative Projects will help high school students explore their passions and strengths to unlock abilities and experiences they can add to their resumes. Regardless of the circumstances, students should not procrastinate anymore to get themselves ready for the next stage of their lives.

Community Service

All of us have an impulse to help our communities and fellow neighbors- help is much needed, especially during the pandemic. We can all strive to become a better person by helping each other. Luckily, this will help you grow personally while adding services to your resume that will impress college admission officers. 

Community service activities can be as easy as delivering groceries to neighbors in need. Contact close friends, relatives, or next-door neighbors to see how you can serve them, whether it is delivering medicine or teaching elderly folks to use their new electronics. Doing these small acts of kindness can help an individual feel solace and relief after a rough year.

You can also organize your community to donate a charitable gift to a non-profit. Times are tough for all of us and it is understandable that you need to handle your own finances first. However, nonprofits are struggling to continue keeping their doors open and it is not an easy task. Think about organizing a donation fund for an organization you feel passionate about. No matter how big or small, any donation will count. 

We do not know when the pandemic will end, but one thing is for sure, we can all do a little more to thank the essential workers in our communities. Employees of grocery stores, hospitals, and restaurants need encouragement and support. Take action by collaborating with your peers to collect and drop off items such as personal protective equipment. Don’t have many funds? Coordinate a letter-writing campaign with your local hospital to support patients and healthcare workers alike. There may be restrictions on what they can accept so be sure to connect with the appropriate staff members prior to coordinating


Having an internship on your resume can help a student stand out during the college application process. However, they first need to find something that is of interest to them. Here are some unique routes that students can take:

Fashion - Students interested in design, branding, marketing, and the fashion industry can explore their interests through the Nordstrom Fashion Ambassador. This internship allows students to get behind-the-scenes access to fashion projects and events. 

TV/Film- If a student is into acting, directing, or producing, the opportunities for internships are endless. Find these by searching “high school internships” + [Enter your local TV Studios] while discussing your plans with a guidance counselor or family. Plus points are given to students who attend virtual networking events. You never know if you can run into someone that has ties to the film industry.

Politics- A student that is interested in politics can most certainly get professional experience by volunteering with local officials. If a local election is taking place, reach out to someone at city hall who can connect you with the candidate or their representatives. Likewise, if it is a national election, then contact your politically affiliated clubs to see if help is needed to promote their candidate through social media, updating a website, or calling constituents.

Health- A student who wants to major in health or medicine can learn the trade early by interning at a health clinic, dentist, or community health organization. Additionally, research programs during the summer can help a student gain some valuable professional experience. Medical Immersion Summer Academy is one great internship that students should keep their eye on.

Academic Teams

Despite the pandemic, students can still partake in an academic club or olympiad. Before, students developed clubs based on subjects such as mathematics or history. Now, subjects have broadened so you may even be able to be the founder of your own organization. Students can develop a robotics club where robots are designed and used in competition. Coding is another option. Developing personal and professional web pages can help a student learn, not only the technology but also have fun.


Now is the time for a student to hone their artistic or creative skillset. However, artists can run into a brick wall when creating artwork; follow these ideas to continue that passion. Students will often be required to submit art portfolios for their college application process. Start whatever creative project you’ve envisioned right now. It is a good idea to keep a record of each piece as you’ll be able to show your growth time.   


Technology is definitely not going anywhere. If a student wants to pursue technology as their career, one option is to take an Advanced Placement- (AP) course on Computer Science. Knowing the specific terms and designing web pages will help a student gain confidence, plus it will help them earn credit for that college course. However, students can learn plenty on their own through trial and error. Consider pairing up with a local entrepreneur and creating their website or setting up their digital marketing program.

Social Justice Activities

Some students have the desire to help others by advocating for equality based on nationality or race; others want to focus on the environment. Students can think about Social Justice in various ways including, but not limited to, environmental justice, racial justice, political reform, gender equality, etc.

Inform your practices by listening to podcasts- Find various podcasts that discuss the same objectives you are looking to promote. A student should focus on both sides of an argument by listening to another person's ideas and learn the vocabulary and communication methods of those who advocate for their cause. The more informed a student becomes, the more able they are to be the next Martin Luther King Jr. advocating for racial equality or Cesar Chavez advocating for environmental justice. 

Become the founder of a social justice club- Students can plan virtual meetings to discuss current events and methods to combat injustices around their own community. Expand the message through different channels including through social media or creating the organization’s website. Focus on promoting the club to peers by tagging them and recruiting them to join their mission. Students can also choose to contact individuals from the Chamber of Commerce, non-profits, or larger social justice groups in the area. Connect with community partners and learn about their objectives and how your group can collaborate with them. 

However, do not expect everything to be perfect. 

Prepare for criticism- No matter what goals a student has, they will deal with dismissive people and those who may oppose their cause. Be prepared for this. Students cannot let emotions overtake them and should learn how to communicate their arguments calmly and effectively. Listen to criticism and be empathetic. Make the changes that can progress your goals. 

Students that plan out their objectives, learn from other people, and listen to constructive criticism can be a great communicator or influencer no matter the subject matter. 

Leading a team 

Students may not be able to participate in many club activities during the pandemic, however, various options are still available to clubs. One is leading the club virtually. Find a club you are particularly passionate about and then engage users by coming up with activities in a virtual setting. For instance, if a student loves basketball, several options can come to mind, such as leading a virtual skill seminar or planning socially distant practices. Regardless of the club or cause, if a student wants to improve their public speaking skills, then join the Youth Leadership Program from Toastmasters International. Honing this soft skill can help a student succeed in the long run.