What should my high school student be doing during the first quarter of the year?


How can I prep myself?

If you follow these suggestions, your chances of getting accepted into college will be great.

This first quarter of the calendar year can be an interesting time for high school students and is different from the rest of the school year. January is spotted with deadlines for a Senior’s college applications, February can start some Junior’s attempts at standardized testing by March many acceptance, rejection, and deferral letters are received by upcoming graduates of the class of 2021. These students have had to adapt their college plannings during this unforeseen turn-of event. With many colleges moving toward test-optional or test-blind deciding on extracurricular activities or whether to take a standardized exam plays a role in what the rest of your calendar year will look like. Join us as we discuss how high school juniors and seniors can handle the first quarter of the year. 

What remote activities can high school students do during the first quarter of the year (January, February, and March)?

2021 will be different from other years with activities going remote due to the coronavirus pandemic.  In previous years, students were able to develop their resume by doing community service, having part-time jobs, and/or internship opportunities. Activities like these are now on hold because of the social distancing practices brought on by the pandemic. That does not mean you should slack off, in fact, students can work to differentiate themselves in a college pool by showing what you have accomplished during the pandemic. Students should be asking themselves how they can adapt activities to a virtual environment or what new activities can they take on in the comfort of their own homes? These activities can consist of delivering groceries to a neighbor in need or doing remote work for a non-profit with their marketing. 

Athletics can also play into account. Even though the varsity basketball season is on hold, students can improve their skills by participating in a virtual skillset seminar. Better yet, maybe your team can create a virtual skillset seminar for younger players. Taking an initiative like this can show admission officers you have developed leadership skills and are making an impact on your community despite the limitations of the pandemic. Whatever activity you plan on doing, do it with passion and drive. Let us help you get started with our leadership initiative project.

Should I take a standardized exam during the first quarter of the calendar year? How can I prepare?

The first three months may be different from the remainder of this year with colleges moving toward test-optional and test blind policies. So students might be asking themselves, “Should I still take the test?” The answer is that it’s really up to the student and their admissions strategy moving forward. Give us a call if you find yourself needing some help with your admissions strategy! If students are planning to take a standardized exam, here are the testing dates for the first quarter of 2021.

SAT Test Date Registration Deadline SAT Scores Available

March 13, 2021 February 12, 2021 March 26, 2021

ACT  Test Date Registration Deadline ACT Scores Available

February 6, 2021 January 8, 2021 February 16, 2021

Be creative as you figure out ways to prep yourself for your exam of choice. We highly recommend forming a virtual study group through Zoom and Skype with peers to inspire each other and hold everyone accountable. Also, reward yourself or others when you reach a particular achievement. Students can reward themselves for increasing their scores by watching a good movie or treating themselves to a nice meal. Others may just want to improve academically and that is its own award. No matter how you motivate yourself, consistency in your prep can make a world of difference. Make sure to email us if you need to set up a plan for your test prep.

Can I retake the SAT or ACT exam?

Absolutely. However, there’s a slight difference between this quarter from the remainder of 2021- we don’t know if some students will be able to take the test. With several areas still adhering to “Safer at Home” orders many students will be completely unable to find a testing center, but for those who may be in safer conditions, here are additional exam dates: 

(These dates are subject to change)

SAT Test Date Registration Deadline SAT Scores Available

May 8, 2021 April 8, 2021 May 21, 2021

June 5, 2021 May 6, 2021 July 14, 2021

ACT  Test Date Registration Deadline ACT Scores Available

April 17, 2021 March 12, 2021 April 27, 2021

June 12, 2021 May 7, 2021 June 22, 2021

July 17, 2021 June 18, 2021 July 27, 2021

If you decide on re-taking a test, then make sure you have some of these materials:

  • Test Prep- These valuable texts can train for areas of the SAT or ACT you are unfamiliar with.

  • Practice Exams- Aristotle once said, "for the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them." Practice, Practice, Practice! Practicing past exams with appropriate timing multiple times will help you gain the confidence to take on either test.

  • Find an educator that can help- If your student needs assistance with college prep, contact us for a virtual one on one consultation. Students that retake an exam can get a better score and possibly grants and scholarships. We suggest that you keep up-to-date with your guidance counselor and track all your activities.