SAT Test Changes
Are you stressing out about the SAT Test? If so, Link continues to monitor new changes and will give you updates on what to do during this difficult time.
The cancelation of the SAT Tests has affected the educational community; faculty, staff, students, and parents. While the future of this test is still up in the air, we here at Link Educational Institute will give you the information you need along with some guidance on the latest changes to the SAT.
SAT/PSAT Date Updates as a result of COVID-19
For the latest test changes to the SAT and PSAT, follow these links.
What happens if you registered for an SAT Test that was canceled?
Students taking a canceled SAT Exam will receive a refund within the coming weeks. College Board will send information on how and when you can register for a future SAT Exam. Besides the exam on September 26th, College Board will be offering additional exam dates. It will take some time to determine the best course of action. The College Board will include new test dates both domestically and internationally. The goal is to be as flexible as possible to help students get the test scores they need to apply for colleges.
What should you do during this time?
It's easy for students to get worried about when the next SAT Test will begin. Students need to channel that anxiety into action. Taking this action will help a student feel better and puts them in better metal space to take the exam when the time comes. During this unforeseen circumstances, we recommend students to remember the following:
Things will work out- This pandemic has caused people to worry about their future. Students need to remember that colleges will not penalize them for events beyond their control. Additionally, students all over the world are facing similar circumstances. You’ll be able to take the SAT during the summer or fall, and that will give you time to send your test results to the colleges. If cancelations proceed into January 1st, colleges are working diligently to create a workaround for these applicants. Colleges will accept scores from other exams, such as AP Scores as a replacement, or eliminating the testing requirement this year. Some colleges have dropped the SAT/ACT requirements for fall applicants. Millions of students are in the same boat as you, and colleges want to create a solution that can work for you.
Continue to Study- Students have a lot of free time and should strategize some time to prepare for the SAT. if they start now, when students take the test, they will be prepared with the proper skills needed to achieve in the exam. DO NOT CRAM FOR THE SAT! The more a student studies, the better a score they will earn. Here are some guides that will help you ace the Math, Reading, and Essay portion of the SAT Test.
Strengthen parts of your college application- Besides test scores, colleges are still looking for students that are engaged extracurricularly, and socially. Even now, you should try to find ways to strengthen your college application:
Performing well in your classes.
Come up with ways to keep practicing and meting at a distance with your sports and league clubs. Ideas can include: holding online fundraisers, organize grocery drop-offs, organize virtual meetings, and brainstorm ideas for next year,
Deciding which teachers will write a letter of recommendation for you.
Finding opportunities for virtual internships over the summer.
We also suggest students to research different colleges, majors, and career paths, for the future. For more information on strengthening your application, read “What remote activities would impress colleges.”