Writing Prompts
If you're a teacher, student, or a home-schooled parent, Link Educational Institute recommends these prompts to keep a student engaged.
Educational activities are crucial during this time. Writing can help boost a student's creativity, interpersonal skills, and the ability to focus. If you're a teacher, student, or a homeschooling parent these days, these writing activities are for you. These 25 writing prompts are for students who range from elementary to high schools. Various titles range from “dreams” to “see if homework helps students learn”. These prompts can appeal to students.
Tips For Writing Prompts
How could you use these writing prompts for students? There are factors to consider, such as age, schooling structure, and a student’s own interests/abilities. However, there are other tips to consider.
Daily Writing can help prompt exercise- Assign students one of the prompts at the start or end of the school day. It could be a way to get organized for a busy day or a method to reflect and unwind right before bed.
Find A Quiet Place To Work- People can have a hard time writing with noise or distractions. A distraction-free space can help students focus on their thoughts to produce their best writing. Try using scents to provide a helpful workplace mental boost.
Provide an approximate writing length or time- Writing prompts can be answered briefly or explained in much depth. If the student aims for a specific number of words or pages, the student will have an idea of how detailed the response can be. Alternatively, a student can choose to free write for a given period of time.
Have students handwrite their responses - When students write by hand, they are thoughtful about the responses compared to typing their responses. There is also the benefit of their handwriting skills potentially improving.
37 Writing Prompts for Students
Here are 37 writing topics for students, they are organized into three categories: narrative writing, creative, and argumentative prompts for students.
Narrative Writing Prompts For Students
What are three goals you have for yourself?
Create a list of your favorite activities that you do each season.
What is the craziest dream you've ever had?
We hear stories of people wanting to be famous. What would you do if you were famous?
If you went back in time, which year would you choose?
What's the hilarious thing you've ever seen?
The holidays bring people together. What is your favorite holiday or tradition?
What would be your dream job?
Some individuals would like to write an autobiography with a table of contents. If you created an autobiography, what would you name each chapter?
What is your memory as a young child? Write details if you can remember it.
Fiction/Creative Writing Prompts for Students
11. Create a funny internet quiz.
12. Write a poem about a favorite season.
13. If you could have dinner with three people (real or fictional) who would you pick, what would you talk about and also eat?
14. Write a story from a lyric of any song.
15. Choose an item next to you, and write a haiku about that item. You'll get bonus points if it rhymes.
16. If you could be an animal for one day, which animal would you be and what would you do?
17. Look through any photographs, drawings, or pictures. Pick one and write a story about it. Imagine where it is and the people or things there.
18. Create a story about a character getting lost in the woods and finding a mysterious person there.
19. Aliens have landed on Earth. What would they look like, how would they act, and will they be friendly or not?
20. You've just survived a shipwreck and washed up on an island. What do you see on the island, and how will you get back home?
Argumentative Writing Prompts for Students
21. Will homework help students learn?
22. What age should students get a cell phone?
23. Which celebrity is the best and worst role model for students?
24. Of the following, which is the best: electronic books, audio, or traditional print books?
25. If students spend too much time on social media, will there be dangers?
For more homeschooling tips for the new COVID Teacher in you, check out this article.