How to Be the Best Student in Your Class

How to Be the Best Student in Your Class

Tips and learning strategies to stand ut in class and make the most out of your learning journey.

Getting the Most out of Learning

Get your brain and body ready to learn. 

Get lots of sleep. You'll need to get the right amount of sleep for your body if you want your brain to work at its best.

Learn in a way that works for you. 

Everyone learns best in different ways; this is called a learning style. Find a way that works for you and try to learn that way as much as you can.

TIP: For example, have you noticed that it's really easy for you to remember charts or pictures? This means you might be a visual learner.

Pay attention.

The best thing that you can do to become the best student in any class is to pay attention to when your teacher is talking. If you get distracted you might miss important information and you'll have a harder time understanding what to do or when you have to study later. 

If you're having trouble staying focused when your teacher is talking, try sitting in the front and participating more in the class.

Learn how to take notes.

Taking notes effectively can be tricky, but it will make it much easier for you to learn and study, which means your grades will get better and your test scores will improve so you're the best student in your class. TIP: Just remember, you don't have to write down everything your teacher says. Just write down the most important things and the things you know you'll have a hard time remembering.

Do your homework on time and well.

Even if you don't get very good grades on your homework, just doing it on time will help keep your grade up as much as possible. You should aim to make your homework marks the highest in the class or you're not really trying to be the best in your class. 

Look for extra ways to learn.

Learning stuff that isn't included in your classes can help you understand the information you do cover a lot better and it can also really impress your teacher.

Pursuing information in a way that follows your interests can also help you stay focused in class. Look for more ways to learn about all of the subjects you study and you'll find that all of the school is more interesting and that you're more and more successful.

Study earlier. 

When you see the number of portions just before a test, you may get scared. One of the most effective ways to get better scores on tests is to start studying and preparing for the test as early as possible. Definitely don't leave it until the night before.

TIP: Write down the possible questions that can come on the test and start jotting down key points.

Being a Good Person

Make people feel good, not bad.

Being the best student in a class is about more than just getting good grades. You should also work on being a good person. 

You don't want to be a bully or a class clown; that will not make you the best student in the class.

Focus on making people feel good by giving them compliments and telling them when they do a good job. Don't be mean to people and tease them or say hurtful things.

Be helpful to everyone.

Be a good person by helping people when you can. If you know how to do something or you have an easier way of doing it, show them how. Don't make yourself seem smarter or better, just be nice and friendly. You can also do small nice things, like holding a door open for them or helping them carry something heavy.

Be respectful to people, even when they're being mean.

Even when people are mean to you, you should still be respectful. Don't shout at them or physically hurt them. Don't call them names or cut in front of them in line, just to spite them.

Be respectful to people by not talking over them and definitely giving them a chance to talk if they want to. 

Respect their opinions and don't worry if they think a little bit differently than you. 

Stay calm.

When you're in class, stay as calm as you can. Don't run around and disrupt people. You should also try not to get stressed when school gets tough. This is bad for you and it might also cause you to lash out at other people

Focus on learning the material as well as you can and don't worry about the numbers or letters that your teacher assigns. Knowing the material is more important than getting a grade.

Make things fun for everyone.

Try to help everyone have fun. Be enthusiastic and positive when you're in class. This excitement to learn will make everyone feel more okay about learning. It might even get some people to show excitement when they wouldn't normally let other people see that they care.

Be yourself! 

Most importantly, be yourself. You can't be the best person you can possibly be if you're pretending to be someone else. Do the things that make you happy. Share the things that you love. Be friends with the people that get you and make you feel good about yourself. Don't worry about what other people think. The truth is that years from now, you won't even remember half of their names. If they don't think you're the coolest person now, you're not going to care in five or six years. What you will care about is how unhappy you are that you didn't do things that made you happy.

Making Your Teacher Happy

Be respectful.

If you want to make your teacher happy, being respectful is really the best way to start. Especially if other students are disrespectful, you'll stand out and quickly become their favorite

Don't be disruptive. Don't pass notes, talk to your friends, make jokes, or move around too much while your teacher is talking.

Be punctual (on time or even early) and definitely don't skip their class.

Ask questions.

Teachers like it when students ask questions. There are a few reasons for this. First of all, it tells them that you're paying attention.

Second, it shows them that you think they're interesting and that you're enjoying the subject (even if you're not). 

Third, it makes them feel smart and helpful. Everyone likes to feel smart and helpful. Ask questions when you have them and you'll find your teacher liking you more and more.

Ask for help.

Asking for help actually makes you look smart and it will make your teacher happy. When you ask questions, your teacher knows that you'll work hard and understand what they're teaching much better. They'll be proud of you for taking the initiative to get the help you know you need.

Be a helpful student.

Be a student that not only keeps out of trouble but also makes the classroom a kinder place. This is about more than just starting fights and arguments (although you shouldn't do those things either). This is also about being a person that helps solve problems when they come up.

Stay on top of your work.

Do your homework on time. Get study guides and ask for help at least two weeks before a test, and not two or three days before. 

Take notes. When your teacher sees you working hard, even if you're not the smartest and even if you don't get the best test scores, they'll still like you best.