Handling Stress during COVID-19

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Reducing Stress

Students and parents are more stressed out than ever during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Here are some helpful tips on reducing the tension during this troubled time.

The Coronavirus pandemic has been a stressful time for so many individuals. Students have to adapt to learning environments, parents need to become teachers, and teachers need to learn new tools. One way to strengthen yourself mentally is to reduce stress. Here are some tips to help you navigate during this unique scene.

Restrict News Binging

Watching news coverage of this pandemic will cause stress. Link Educational Institute urges people to take a break from the news. Life will go on even if you do not pay attention to what is going on. Give it a shot. Stop watching the news for a day and see how you feel. It is best to listen to updates from your family and friends. 

Work on a Passion Project

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, students are unable to participate in extracurricular activities. However, this does not mean you should drop the ball. We are offering the Leadership Initiative Project where students can find their passion through sports, volunteering, doing a podcast, marketing, etc.

Develop a schedule

Now that students are at home, they have to adapt to a new learning environment. Creating a schedule isn't easy when students have been acclimated to the daily routine of being a student. Be the boss of your schedule. Create your schedule consistently. Develop a routine in the mornings now that you are not being transported to school. Do not forget to take breaks to move away from the computer.

Staying Active

Don't stop moving your body because of the pandemic. It is critical that you add exercise to your schedule. You can do it online or offline. Whether it's going for a walk or taking a yoga class online, you must keep your body active despite this pandemic. If you exercise consistently, then your anxiety will go down and you will start feeling happy. 

Stay Connected

Family and friends are crucial during this time. Figure out ways to stay connected with them while still practicing social distancing. Have a virtual dinner, a conversation, or talk to someone through a window via Facetime or Zoom

Discuss test anxiety

Students have to take online classes and exams online. Students can't slack off at this time. College entrance exams will occur. The AP Test is now administered online from home. We do not know if the Subject Tests will take place in June. 


Students should try to get 8 hours of sleep to prevent the development of stress hormones. Are you having trouble sleeping? Use sleep meditations to relax before you go to bed. Before you go to sleep do not touch your phone for an hour or two. 

Go on a virtual vacation

The traveling industry has taken a halt due to COVID-19. However, you can still visit the Frick Museum in Pittsburgh. You can take virtual vacations to some of the most amazing places around the world from the comfort of your home. Engaging with art and culture can help you decrease stress.  Instead of watching Netflix or going on social media, try going to one of these virtual tours instead:

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

MASP, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Guggenheim Museum, New York

The Frick, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Remember, take life one day at a time. If you're stressing out about college admissions, feel free to contact us. We're here for you! Let's develop a plan together.