Be Creative
Do extracurricular activities that can help you get admitted to college during this uncertain time.
The Coronavirus has changed many school’s perspectives over how students can be productive despite being at a distance from school. Yes, sports and debate competitions were fantastic tools to celebrate a student’s skills, but not that that is all done with school no longer being in a single building. Here are a few ways to impress college admissions officers despite being at a distance:
Make existing extracurricular activities remote with Zoom or Google Hangouts. You will be surprised at how much you can get done when you don’t have ambient noise of those folk talking in the back row.
Focus on what you can control, including what your plans are for next year.
Create content for your personal brand including blogs for a website, vlogs for YouTube, songwriting for Soundcloud, or developing a podcast.
Finding volunteer opportunities in your community. Better yet, CREATE the opportunity by finding a problem that needs solving.
Learning to play or perfecting an instrument. This can be a trumpet, or saxophone if your musically inclined. However, if you’re into electronics your instrument could be robotics or wiring.
If you need assistance with tutoring, testing, college preparation, or tutoring students, Link Educational Institute will assist you.
If you're into politics and passionate about a specific individual or group, political campaigning is an option. You can do social media marketing, plan fundraisers, and opinion polls online.
Students can search for at-home internships based on their field, and location. Fields like business marketing, IT, non-profit, and creative writing are the most popular. For example, you can be a Social Media Intern and design newsletters or plan an event for a non-profit. Here are some tips that students should keep in mind when they begin their remote internship:
Colleges want to see the results that came out of the internship. (e.g. If you're helping a business with sales or social media, your objective is to gain users and increase business sales). Commitment is the key to success.
Do some research on the company before your internship begins. Check to see if the company has a vision, completed projects, and employee review ratings.
Colleges are looking for students with leadership skills. If you're doing an internship, don't be afraid to take the lead on a project.
Be creative during your remote internship!